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1963 (continued) with oelected titles from Linli ted Edi tiona Club. All Lliller materials sold to d.oaler Jin no:m:J,11. in Fort ln.udcrdG.1e. Genern.l houce cleaning or otlwr nmterials.Jork conti:nued vrith Hutledge i.'Tith Dales.0orros:pond011 oe vvitl1 Joh:a L:oore,Cih2.:cles :Bul;:ow:ski,Jack Roth,Hn.nsjoa.chim Dietrich, ~acridnr J3jornsdottir the wife of Diter Rot,D .. von R.Drenner,Christop her I,:aclo.ino, Jonn.tha:n ·,1i11iallis, Clr,•.rence r.Iajor, 'Jilliam Faulkner(; .• l?. ) , Ana.is lii:1. '.life h,:">,d :tm:::tec-'c;omy for cancer at Ha.rk.L"1ecs Pavilion. Vfon·c 17i th _ . I:f n ... ;..;r ,.J. .• ,J.. +. rr.>. Rri"I 1r •o ..• ~ • . -.,-·,, 'i;""r,l-"o uO •.. ,~0 l ··--PJ:.!. t·~ ~-,~ on eypor:µ.te ... ,inc c.,•••, u. ro,t a.h,8. 0.1. t"ne wor.n. ~-.c:,r.n.,.. •.. .. -·m·'1·1t· ,,. ~ .... " of fill:..ciI·: HGich nt J.::e:ru1ington, Vermont.:/ Visited painter Y..n.nneth Nolan O.."ld. l.. o.rkr;on cet-up;_; for clouds on ex-f'r:i..rm of ,Robert I';ost;vici ted

Bl~.:,1.chc Thi:! li:ps P.nd Robert Hovmrd at Upper. Nyack,rogretted not E:eeing

lfiJ.J.j_nn CnrJ oi::: 1Iilliarr1s before his death in llutherf'ord;vini tcd painter D 1 : ..:ccc.l1£:;;..:leo in l:e•:r _York; renewed_ correcponda::100 rd tl1 'JnJ.ter l.owenfcls tl'H':J:l ~ .r,.n If:' j ~cling, J: .J e "I •ve Left"fina.J.ly r-.ppea..red nnd widely revie wed; mr111J/ locnl preoa notes. ReleaaedJ'Oha.rconl D;ra.wings,1935-1937 11 and _ _· 11 Ar~1.,-~. ,:-::-:r:o.~~tcd: 19_ 28-_19_61_ '_'_ ---~-·~_\ _ r· ._e_._--_•·_}3$_Jtl.t of' ~J_•_:i.iJ.l_~--- nt_--_•. fr om __ E_--~_·,_~n6~ _11._1_r_o··-__ . -_._'_•_' c_ut_1c , ·ds•• _ ___ ___ .. _ Ji~~ ..;).;1: ·nr.,. ' o-'· • 8.1..ro qo.ici')~no.m ~a;.,o.:f" hi ~ J:>ofl1:--f.:- -~a..~ ~ c... l'l e, • zr'l et'f on l oga~ t·rr..-i~ t;,.. ltJ;y dt'i.-.Lt.iJ n[:/1..:i.rtm.. -"' ;r;SMathews (talk)?.l.:9'u,°VI'8'.l'l~-- ~1.rll'L¥;"C' ~r "liO.Vr".:nced ~-icienc~. · -· ···-·, . 1,..


..:. .;.},;~s~ir!.: · . .• _.· . : . .. .. "' . .·.

e . r _ . .·_ •. ·_

. . _· · •..·


Confined by vrife ~.f':. ope~;J:j.t!>~ _busy 'yeFl.r conti11;'\1f!G with n A Eook;;·; About Den.th fl by Ray,J~lm.a9n;~H!l).<if Exc·iting,Igniting Yforld of Artl' by > Jack .Hoth; 11 Yvor.WSMathews (talk)j~9:"p~ J{ar:tey J3owden;p1un the tilcc :montiolled a.bo'tfe stn.rted in. l$63;piµs\!lf/h...i;.'t Henry :Miller fin.id. 11 Contractof :S'edornJ_ •s ·completdcl a.."'.l.d wa.s;ta.1;cloff<With twenty minutes notice _on Jv.ne 18. _ ...-• . Rogir;torccl with\!I'eplu.ji.9~.1 .Associnteo, ILobilizod as cont1--:i..bu.ting member (TEAl:);intervj,ewti'~ :i.li.(fevr York hotel for r.rpace v1orlr, onid to be: i:q. ,c phy(;:i..cs research:_.... my ~ir~t uince 1945 •• at Htur~oville, Alabaw.a. to begin July6, 1964:'.b\lt tl'l.ird dny on job r::ho~i1ea. there was no phyf.·ics bu:t; really a vast -Jfj?A fpr scientific people bo1.u1.d r.r.ninly in_ the wrong direction _ . _· as .man •s moE.rt immediate needs are under the sea.J?ossecsions from Waldvtiok . by tru¢k ce:nght afire,e:xpcnces and E,ecu.rity of' 1;10.nth1y chGck :forced. stay Q.mid J:?eople WJ10 took Uf:l OUti::ddern, for<:4gncrs, northerns Vvi th nll the _-·. ._•--· . accompo,1:iying exploitation and boom town costs.HegisterGd with Internat:Lpna.: _Jtxccuti-ve·<:.>crvicc Corps. };xtennivc, r-,u:per inventicn.tion becino l10VI_ intor.r. my life t1J1.d wife 's,:never to cease it seens,by acsorte.a. agencien, c.J1urche11.,). ; µifomers of all types,including the ne:;:t-door neighbors. :i-'irpt months ;.<;-{ e¢pooin.11y tr;ting. Correcpondence with Eli f:,iegel, New York;Kcnne;·~h , 'i . ,jj l3enuclo$..'1,Lle:m.phiG, inviting lriin over and threa:tening ·to go there but didn 1 t;f ,··



1965 ,






_ _ - ' , , , . : , : . , . : , : , . _ _ . •• •' . · - :

Inver:d;igatio:nc: :f:'im:i.lly clenred on Lio.rch 1.8 wlien n.nothor necret clonrn.ncc vms grm1ted by the }:c.:::c,tern Contrn.ct I!fru1agorneri:t; Rncio:h at Q11.:1c·t;cQ Air l~orcc Ease, 1,mu""l..:::.rlva:nia.. Gn.ps in non-::.cie:ncc and double li!e vri~h l~t~rnt::-re .. ?~~il:lg ~o ~ur:fa?e J~10~~1i!AM~h.Jie,tui~.R~i~OT~tent~ eo-.wG).rke::cs.,.~C,L1)rJ::u'l.O' · .t.: • ~"-· V~u1~'"'fJ,1:'en unb'l.i{r, r.m:..,..f'!. ·\'l':1_ c;4,1a. .,JdvT~ ·'.Y"lirnll v!':t1,0':e1a 11 ;- ' ".. ,nuura:n V .;.,ynf.U-li.C . "".-",,;.[,'t';_t; :tll1TO.rt,de".'1th... vl.On , ..... Test Vchiclte Da:t;a f(eduction and Correlation Requirement$"; 'l. nturri .v . D;y:nr.i~:ic '?or:;t r:·ro&x·~1n Eequireme:ats 11 • .:Say P. rea Crea."corG:1945-1965 n.ppeared; . e.lno ),1mt Hcm.ry !1Iiller ~:3?.id with B.P. _ illustr0.tio118: B.nd limited to 90 COJ?i0s .). ilrnwise 1\:Rt i-'~oduc-'~iono: 1920-1965 dedicated ·co.. azcociatc, photogrA.pher \r?.nd. pnintor ~..nd. olose friend Jfo,rr-.f :eowdcn who died cuddenly thic ycn.r in Sau.r:.~lito . ("DiJc'? )\. -ent· to UCLA the folder l,IY LI}?E In . · t J.,}:':f HAIP:·J-fIHE covering the fan"castic legal suits by mail from 'Jaldwick in r:hich en.cos were carried to supreme court of. the ntatc f'oi~ rra.ges, · v.ncm:pl.oym.ent pn.ymcn.ts, f'ailure o:f their labor boards, etc •• all ,tri thov.t going to new Hampshire •• or hmv to be a lavcyer and stay home. Ads now appen.rL"lg on B .. :e •. books o.t Huntsyille, d;rawing. JJ.SS mostly n.g.;ads.:f"or