270 and the question of adopting said amendment being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays was decided in the negative as follows, to wit, Yeas - Messrs. Boutelle, Hunton, Porter, and Scammon - 4 Nays - Messrs. Bridgham, Burnham, Davee, Dunlap, Eastman, Emerson, Gibson, Goodwin, Groton, Hodgman, Keith, Lithgow, Megquier, Merrill, Smith, Sweat, Talbot, Thayer, Thompson and Webb - 20.
Mr. Boutelle then moved to amend by inserting after the word "submitted in the first Resolve the words, "in the first instance to the people of this State in their primary meetings and afterwards". Also insert after the word "by" in the first Resolve, the words "a majority of the People voting in their primary meeting and by the " And the question of adopting said amendment being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays was decided in the negative as follows, to wit, Yeas - Messrs. Boutelle, Hunton, Porter, Scammon - 4. Nays - Messrs. Bridgham, Burnham. Davee, Dunlap, Eastman, Emerson, Gibson, Goodwin, Groton, Hodgman, Keith, Lithgow, Megquier, Merrill, Smith, Sweat, Talbot, Thayer, Thompson, and Webb - 20.