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292 regulation of Innholders, Retailers, and common Victuallers, severally came up from the House indefinitely postponed. The Senate recede from their several votes passing said Bills to be engrossed and indefinitely postpone the same, in concurrence. Report of the committee on Claims on th epetition of Samuel Searle came up from the House referred to the next Legislature. The Senate recede from their vote accepting said report and concur the House in said reference. Bill in addition to an act for the preservation of fish in Penobscot river and bay and the several streams emptying into the same, came up from the House indefinitely postponed for concurrence and the Senate concurred. Bill additional respecting Houses of Correction was read once and this afternoon at three o'clock assigned for a second reading. Order from the House appointing Messrs. Lord, Cilley and Lord, with such as the Senate may join a committee to consider the expediency of passing a law to legalize the publication of certain Collectors' notices as have been published in the "Age" a newspaper printed at Augusta said paper not being the paper in which such notices are by law required to be published, read and passed in concurrence, and Messrs. Sweat and Groton are joined,