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All coach net, muat be r,

ISO mllea.

t -

Coach nett muet be rHt p1annger1 et no extra ch;

() - Coach a11tt must be r11 -d/Toronto PHnngel",

• - UnranrV1d co1 ,._ - Stoptno




@ - Oversize baggage,


0 -

Will also operate



___ vn•rn•

Will not op-,rate D•

Will also operate

7 commercial Dr\V9,-stopaonslgnat. @ - Will not operate


How to Use the Timetable

Comment utiliser l'indicateur general


Locating Your Schedule- Check the alphabeti.c1I list of stations Pour·~ ··~~ •- "-•e alphabetlque des on pages 47 through 50 for the table number for service to your gar' ~ ,1.7 ii 5,0 poyr conn~ltre destination. If more than one route serves this point. or If your I" .iA, ~ '"Otre dest1startlng point Is not on the same route, use the map on pages ~• , .... 26-27 to trace the route(s) you will need to use. Turn to the • ~ tables Indicated by the circled numbers along the route lines to _~ tind your schedules. ~ 19beNHP. Reeding the Tables - On many schedules, service in both 'l/directions is shown in a single table, with the cities served list~tfJ-' ~ ~ in the centre. If your destination is llsted below your starting p V-U/ ~ use the left-hand column(s) and read down. If your destinatic ~


. -oes Is above your ,tarting point, use the right-hand column(s) an• ~ ..... int de read up. O ~-..,,,>,Aa, ,des_cend,nt. Where very frequent service Is available, separate tables arf /e,,,~~ ,., votre point de printed for each direction. Cities served are listed on the le' - tit llsez en remontant. side. Find the table showing your destination below your sle11 '" ,11 ...... '" '"" ~w- _ . rrequentes, vous trouverez point, and reed down in the columns to the right. des tableaux separes pour chaque sens.' Les vi lies desservies sont indiquees dans la colonne de gauche. Trouvez le tableau ou votre destination apparait sous votre point de depart et lisez les colonnes de droite en descendant.

P av Op.


+ m,e,e,e,, r"- .,.,,


In this exllmple, If travelling from Halifax to Moncton, read down on tne left. Dans cet example. pour connaltre l'horaire de la liaison HalifaxMoncton, lire la colonne de gauche en descendant.

r+ km -

kilometrea kllom•tr•• Ml-mllea mlllH

11rain name or description of equipment Train number km 0 10 18

Mi 0



11 16



179 111 200 124 227 141 243



t 190


CD ,c. • 816

..., --..:


14 rOepart - Depart I

13 30


15 00 15 10

Holifax, N.S. Rockingham Bedford Windsor Junction

25 50 10 15 30

__V_isiting mail

17 10 17 00

\Dp }Ar

15 15 14 14 13


.. . . . . .

. . ..... .... . .



18 40


Ad Op Moncion, N.B. (10)

Table numbers for connections with other trains,


\Dp }Ar

Oxford Junction Springhill Jct. Amherst, N. S. Sackville, N.B.

,., .. -..r. • .., rl,:i,~ tableaux indiquant les correspon-

~ ;

~:::: ~~/~~ ........

op( Truro (71


Doily Quot.

Arrival - Arrivee


16 16 17 18 18



Doily Quot.

09 40 09 52 @09 58 ®1005 11 05 11 15 Stops on signal- ~®1207 12 23 12 45 12 59 13 55 14 10

Distance, along the way Distances parcourues


If traveiilng from 4111Moncton to Halifax, read up on the right. Pour connaitre l'horaire de la liaison Moncton· Halifax, lire la colonne de droite en remontant.

1. . . . . . .

Daily Quol,

Frequency of operation

Summary of on-board services and reference markt. Symbols are explained on pages 43-46. It is important to c h eck re f erence mar k s as they indicate holiday service, whether or not checked baggage aervice la available, conditional stops, etc.

... ..

.. L+

32 08 51 00 45


CD 1.. • 618

Daily Quot.

Resume dea servlcea dans lea trains et symboles dont l.'explication se trouve aux pages 43-46. II est important· Iverifier s~,:no es, car I s in 1quen que/s trains circulant les 1ours de cong6, 11 ~~r:~~:r.i~ 1 arrtta facultatifa, etc.



i ~:~~,::

Nom OU composition du train No du train Frequence de circulatlon

22 50 22 32 ~22 25 2218 21 20 21 00 @19 59<11 ,__ Arr6t facultatif 19 43 19 22 19 08 18 20 18 00

Time zones through which trains operate - shown with first and last station in each zone.