313 Report of the committee on Literary Institutions on the subject of the appointment of a Superintendent of Public Schools came up referred to the next Legislature for concurrence and the Senate concurred.
On motion of Mr. Davee, Ordered that the Secretary of the Senate be directed to make up the Pay Roll of the Senate including tomorrow in the attendance of the Members.
On motion of Mr. Webb, Ordered, that the Secretary of the Senate be made up on the Pay Roll twenty days as a compensation for filing the papers and completing the Journal of the present session.
Resolve on the Pay Roll of the Senate was read a first and second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.
On motion of Mr. Thayer ordered that five hundred copies of the Report of the Committee on the subject of Lotteries be printed for the use of the Legislature.
Mr. Thayer offered the following Order, Ordered that the Secretary of State be requested to distribute among the Members of the Legislature A the five hundred copies of the report of