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225 roads and bridges belonging to the State - was read a first time and monday next at 11 0clock assigned for a second reading-

Bill for the prevention of frauds in the sale of Oils - was read a third time and passed to be engrossed - sent up for concurrence

Bill in addition to an Act authorizing the sale of the School lands in the towns of New Gloucester, to raise a fund for the support of Schools in said town and for appointing Trustees for those purposes - was read a third time and ordered to lie on the table-

Bill for the benefit of the town of Dennysville was read a third time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate - Sent up

Bill for the benefit of the town of Dennysville was read a third time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate - Sent up

Resolve for the relief of Samuel Leach - for the benefit of the town of Carthage- - for adjusting the Claim on Massachusetts - were severally read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate - sent up

Ordered that when this House adjourn, it adjourn until Monday next at ten oclock

And the House adjourned


Asaph R Nichols Clerk