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161 House of Representatives Saturday February 2, 1833 Met according to adjournment Bill to repeal an Act to prevent the destruction of crows was read a third time and indefinitely postponed - sent up for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Chase of Calais Ordered that the Committee on Military Pensions be instructed to inquire into the Justice and expediency of granting to Alvin Pike a sum of money to pay the expenses and loss which accrued to him in consequence of a wound received by him while doing Military duty - Read and passed, sent up for concurrence. Communication from the Secretary f State - came from the Senate referred with the accompanying Documents to the Committee on Agriculture - for concurrence and the House concurred - sent up. Report on petition of James Gower & others on Petition of Elijah Hunter & others on Petition of Mark S. Blunt and others, granting on each an order of notice came from the Senate accepted for concurrence and the House concurred - sent up. Report on petition of Abijah Usher Jr. and others granting leave to withdraw came from the Senate accepted for concurrence and the House concurred - sent up.