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�10 tired out. camped abought one mile from the Ferry at a place called Sandy Hook we camped on the ground with out eny tents. for our tents have not arrived they having gone arowned to Baltimore by rail road. April 2 I went down to the ferry to day and viewed the place. it was a very fine place be for this war. but now it is most all burnd up. here was a large place for manufacturing ifre arms. but now they are all distroyed. I saw the place where John Brown was taken prisoner. and I saw the place where his son was killed. he 10th Maine Regement is here. April 3rd To day it is a pretty warm day. I was detailed to go down to the ferry and help draw some rations. was gone all day. I saw a fellow in the 10th Maine Rigiment that I was well acquianted with.Martin Eames from Embden . Maine.

    April 4th  I am on guard to night. it is pretty warm but very dark. it commence to rain abought 3 oclock in morning.  April 5th  We received marching orders this moring again to go to Hancock Station a place in Virginia 42 miles from Harpers Ferry