a second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.
[Vote reconsidered.] The Senate reconsider the vote whereby they assigned Monday next at eleven o'clock, for a second reading of a "Resolve laying a tax on the several counties in this State" and said Resolve was read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.
[Report on the pet. of R. H. Bartlett] Mr. Sweat from the Joint standing committee on State lands reported leave to withdraw on the petition of Richard H. Bartlett and others, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. concurred.
[Resolve. Joel Wellington.] Resolve in favour of Joel Wellington, was read a second time and indefinitely postponed. Sent down for concurrence.
[Resolve. Elias Thomas] Resolve in favour of Elias Thomas, came up from the House indefinitely postponed, and the Senate recede from their vote passing said Resolve to be engrossed, and concur the House in the indefinite postponement thereof.
[Report on the pet. of S. A. Bradley.] Mr. Sweat, from the Joint standing committee on State lands, reported an order of notice on the petition of Samuel A. Bradley and others, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. concurred.
[Bills enacted.] The committee on engrossed Bills reported as truly copied from the originals, the following Bills, To wit: "An Act to establish the Reed Ferry company." "An Act to incorporate the Proprietors of Carlow's Island Bridge at Eastport. "An Act additional to Acts to incorporate