Committee on Literary Institutions instructed to inquire into the expediency of " allowing the trustees of the fund in North Berwick to appropriate the same to the use primary schools 129. " furnishing Greenleaf's Map &c to those Academies that have not received the same 132.
Committee on the Militia instructed to inquire into the expediency of amending the Militia Law " making an appropriation for repairing a Gun House in Eastport 207. " purchasing a site for a Gun House in the town of Freeport 164. Committee on State Lands instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing for the preservation of timber on several lots of land 58. " purchasing Indian land and Islands 95. " making an appropriation for finishing the Baring and Houlton road 96. " authorizing the Land Agent to sell lands in Hancock and Washington Counties 132. " amending the law in relation to the sale and settlement of the public lands 150. " giving a deed of Ten pound Island 168. " giving a deed of Harbour Island 187. " allowing the Agent of the Passamaquoddy Indians to sell lands of said Indians Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals to inquire into the expediency of amending a law in relation to injury sustained by individuals by deficiency of highways 66. " of the proceedings of Kennebec Boom Corporation 76. " passing a law for the encouragement of the use of Broad rimmed wheels 84.109.