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216 House of Representatives Friday February 15, 1833 Met according to adjournment Communication from Daniel Rose, Land Agent was read and ordered to lie on the table and 300 copies thereof with the accompanying Documents ordered to be printed for the use of the members. An Order came from the Senate for concurrence directing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the expediency of passing a law compelling deponents to appear before Magistrates to give their depositions in the same was and manner as witnesses are required to attend Courts, with leave to report by Bill or otherwise. Read and passed in concurrence. On motion of Mr. Wilson of Bingham, Ordered, that Messrs Wilson of Bingham, Parlin of Milburn & Manter of New Vineyard be a Committee to inquire into the expediency of authorizing the County Commissioners in the County of Somerset to make an appropriation of a sum not exceeding six hundred dollars to defray the expenses of building a Bridge over Austin Stream in the town of Bingham with leave to report by Bill or otherwise - Read & passed. Resolve providing for the division of certain Indian Lands came from the Senate, they having nonconcurred the House in passing the Resolve to be engrossed and recommitted the same - for concurrence. The House recede from their vote passing the same and recommit the Resolve in concurrence - sent up.