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246 House of Representatives Thursday February 21, 1833

Met according to adjournment

Mr. Morrill of Waterville has leave of absence after Saturday next - Mr. Pierce of Portland after Monday next. Mr. Pierce of Gorham and Mr. Jarvis of Ellsworth after Wednesday next - each during the remainder of the Session.

Remonstrance of the Inhabitants of Lincolnville altering the time for opening Fishways up Duck Trap Stream was read and referred to the Committee on Interior Fisheries - sent up for concurrence.

Report on Petition of John Cayford granting leave to withdraw came from the Senate accepted for concurrence and the House concurred - sent up.

Bill to incorporate the Odoms Ledge Fishing Company came from the Senate they having indefinitely postponed the Bill, the House nonconcur the Senate in the indefinite postponement of the same and order it to be recommitted - sent up for concurrence.

Resolve providing for the division of certain Indian Lands came from the Senate for concurrence, recommitting with the Report and amendments and the House concurred.

Bill in addition to an Act regulating Judicial process and proceedings was read once, the House nonconcur the Senate in passing the Bill to be engrossed and order the same to be recommitted - sent up for concurrence