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284 Hallowell came from the Senate for concurrence, referred to the next Legislature and the House concurred. Sent up. Resolve - in favor of Joel Wellington came from the Senate, they nonconcurring the House in refusing the same a passage, and pass the same to be engrossed as amended. The House reconsider their vote refusing the same a passage and commit the Resolve, to a select committee of this House consisting of Messrs. Benson, Wardman and Redman. Bill to organize and govern the Militia was read a third time and recommitted to a select committee of this House consisting of Messrs. Webster, Magoun, and Shaw of Sanford. Bill additional regulating Elections, was read a second and third time and passed to be engrossed as taken into this new draft and amended on sheet annexed marked B. Sent up for concurrence. Resolve relating to losses sustained by sundry inhabitants of Madawaska in the County of Penobscot was read a second time and passed to be engrossed, as taken into the new Draft. Sent up. On motion of Mr. Jewett of Portland, Ordered, that Messrs. Jewett of Portland, Banks of Alna and True of Palermo be a committee with such as the Senate as may join, to inquire, what sum is due to the Agent for building a Magazine at Portland, conformable to a Resolve of the Legislature passed March 3, 1832 with leave to report by Bill or otherwise - read and passed. Sent up for concurrence. Bill in addition to an Act to provide for the Education of Youth - was read a second time and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a third reading. Sent up.