305 House of Representatives Saturday March 2nd, 1833 Met according to adjournment On Motion of Mr. Magoun of Bath Ordered, that the Committee on the Pay Roll be directed to make up on said Roll, the pay of members for travel and attendance the present session of the Legislature - including Monday next. Read and passed. Resolved relating to the compensation of the Register of Probate of the County of Penobscot laid on the table by Mr. Piper of Levant was read twice and passed to be engrossed - sent up for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Magoun of Bath, Ordered, that the Committee on the Pay Roll be directed to make up the pay of Thomas Baker for himself, two assistants and page at five dollars per day. Read and passed, sent up. The House reconsider their vote, passed to be engrossed Bill relative to the Inspection of Lime and of Barrels and Casks containing Inspected articles - amend the Bill and pass the same to be engrossed as thus amended - sent up for concurrence. Report of Petition of Selectmen of Liberty, referring the same to the next Legislature came from the Senate, accepted for concurrence and the House concurred - sent up. Bill to incorporate the Town of Lexington was read twice and at 12 o'clock this day assigned for a third reading.