Bill relating to red oak Hogshead Shook, Read once and recommitted in concurrence.
Mr Boutelle, on leave obtained, laid on the table, a Bill authorizing the sale of trees and timber standing upon the lands of minors. Read once and committed to the committee on the Judiciary. Sent down for concurrence.
Resolve in favor of Frederic Spofford and Nathaniel Trout, came from the House, passed to be engrossed. The Senate recede from the vote whereby they refused passage to said Resolve, and pass the same to be engrossed in concurrence.
The Senate reconsider the vote whereby they accepted the Report of the joint standing committee on the judiciary on an order, relative to repealing a Resolve passed March 9th 1832 fixing the compensation of Agents appointed upon several State Roads. and the same was recommitted. Sent down for concurrence
Mr Bradbury on leave obtained, laid on the table a Resolve fixing the compensation of Agents on certain Roads, which was read once and committed to the joint standing committee on the Judiciary. Sent down for concurrence.
The petition of Calvin Spaulding and others for the incorporation of a Savings Institution " of the President and Directors of the Ocean Insurance Company for increase of capital stock - Severally read of referred