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311 Resolve making appropriation for certain Military purposes - relating to the Compensation of the Register of Probate in the County of Penobscot - in favor of Miller & Glidden, late Agents on the Canada Roads which were severally, finally passed - sent up. Resolve in favor of Theodore Bruce was read twice and passed to be Engrossed, sent up for concurrence. And the House adjourned. Evening Met according to adjournment Resolve - additional to a Resolve respecting the Territory lying North and East of the River St John and St Francis was read twice and passed to be Engrossed and the question on passing the same was taken by yeas and nays and decided in the affirmative - yeas 118, Nays 0 See appendix page ) sent up for concurrence. Bill additional to provide for the education of Youth, came from the Senate, they having indefinitely postponed the Bill and the House nonconcurring the Senate in the indefinite postponement thereof, further amend the same, as on Sheet annexed and pass the same to be engrossed as thus amended - sent up for concurrence. Resolve on the Pay Roll of the House of Representatives was read twice and passed to be Engrossed, sent up for concurrence. Resolve in favor of William P. Preble was read twice and passed to be engrossed as amended in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.