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of the laws to which they object; without having recourse to measures, which if not abandoned, may involve that hitherto happy and patriotic State in all the horrors of a civil war. Though in common with our theme of South Carolina and the rest of the United States, we are experiencing many of the injurious effects of the system for the protection of American manufactures, yet as a citizen of republican government, we hold it to be the first duty of patriotism to submit to the will of the majority constitutionally declared; and it is confidently believed that the citizens of this State, without distinction will cordially respond to the just and patriotic sentiments of the recent proclamation of the President and that those measures of resistance which bids defiance to the Constitution and laws and have for their objects a dissolution of the Government and Union of the United States will receive the most decided disapprobation of every individual who glories in the name of an American citizen. In this alarming crisis of our national affairs, we cannot but rejoice that the Executive Department of the General Government sustained by a vast majority of the American people has announced its determination to support and carry into effect the constitution and laws of the United States. On the prudence and moderation as well as on the energy and decision of our patriotic Chief Magistrate aided by the united wisdom of