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�18 happened abought 1 oclock at night. it was a fine night to stand guard. The countersign was. Sumner. to night. nothing of eny conceqwence has taken place to day. April 18th I came of guard this morning at 8 oclock. Pretty pleanst to day. nothing new. wrote a letter home to day. April 19th We had to take our horses out and bait them on grass to day. for we are gitting shorte of hay and corn for them. it is cloudy to day. did not do enythng in the afternoon. only to write a letter. Nothing new to day April 20 In quarters to day laizy as ever. went out in the afternoon. and fired at a

19 mark with my pistol. it is rather cool to day. look some like a rain storm. April 21st To day I was on Picket guard. abought 1/2 a mile from Camp. it rained very hard all day. I went on guard at 8 oclock and stood till 2 oclock in the afternoon. I was then relived till 8 in the eveing went on again at 8 and stood till abought 3[?] oclock in the morning. it was very dark and rainy. April 22nd It is pretty cool weather to day. in quarters all day. I wish we could drill or do something to pass away the time a little faster. April 23 [rd obscured] In quarters to day. and nothing to do. only to clean up our cloths and accuritrements it is rather cool to day.