Bill for the prevention of frauds in the sale of Oils; and the same were severally passed to be enacted
The same Committee reported as correctly engrossed. Resolve additional for the purchase of Indian Lands. Resolve for adjusting the claim on Massachusetts. Resolve for the benefit of the town of Carthage " for the relief of Samuel Leach; and the same were severally finally passed.
Mr Drummond from the Select Committee to whom was committed a Bill to incorporate the Odoms Ledge Fishery Company ; reported the same as amended. Read a second time and indefinitely postponed. Sent down for concurrence.
Bill in addition to an act regulating Judicial process and proceedings. Read a second time, amended, and passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent down for concurrence.
Bill additional regulating Costs; laid on the table by Mr Warren, was read once, and committed to Messrs Warren Boutelle and Williamson.
Resolve in favor of Samuel Seavey; " relative to public lands : Bill additional to an act for organizing and governing the Militia; were severally