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191 The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed; Bill to annex the town of Corinna to the County of Penobscot; Bill to incorporate the Bangor and Piscataquis Canal and Rail Road Company; Bill in addition to an Act incorporating the Hallowell Horse Ferry Company: Bill additional respecting the Winthrop Bank; - to incorporate the Island Wharf - to incorporate the Penobscot Stage Company - to incorporate the Bangor Insurance Company and the same were severally passed to be enacted

The same Committee reported as correctly engrossed; Resolve for the benefit of Ebenezer Dunlap: - for the benefit of Heman Nye; - for the benefit of David Sevey; - respecting the Records of the Commissioners under the Act relating to the separation of the District of Maine from Massachusetts proper and forming the same into a separate and independent State; and the same were severally finally passed

On motion of Mr Herrick, Ordered, that the joint standing Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to examine a Resolve approved March 10th 1831, entitled a Resolve approved March 10th 1831, entitled a Resolve apportioning the Representations among the several Counties towns Plantations and Classes at the second apportionment, and such amendments as they may find necessary to give any town a due share of representative, agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution