Resolve in favor of Benjamin Knight was read first time and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading.
Report of the Committee on the Judiciary in relation to an order respecting the publication of Probate notices that legislation on that subject is not expedient was read and accepted in concurrence with the Senate -
And the House adjourned until half past six o'clock this evening.
Evening - Met according to adjournment.
Mr. Russell of New Sharon has leave of absence after Friday next during the remainder of the Session.
Order - relative to commission on bounty on Crows passed March 15. 1831 - came from the Senate refused a passage - and the House reconsider their former vote and concur with the Senate.
Message from the Governor
To the Senate and House of Representatives
In pursuance of a request from his Excellency the Governor of Massachusetts I herewith communicate for the consideration of the two Houses certain Resolves of the Legislature of that Commonwealth in relation to a more perfect organization of the Militia under the authority of the United States.
Executive Department March 16. 1831 } Saml. E. Smith
Read and with accompanying documents referred to the Militia in concurrence with the Senate -