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�20 April 24th To day. it is cloudy and rather cool. we practised shooting at the target with our pistols. we did pretty well for green horns. in the afternoon I was on special duty. had to go and help buary a horse that died. I received 2[?] letters to.day. one from home and one from Sandwich Mass was very glad to hear from the folks. April 25th To day it rains like the Devil. and I am on guard. it is most always my luck to be on guard when it rains or snows. I do not feel like standing guard to day for I have got a severe cold. and sore throat. but I suppose I have got to do it anyhow root[?]

21 hog or die. the countersign to night was Webester. April 26th I was relived this morning from guard. at 8 oclock to day it a little cloudy but not very cool. in the forenoon we cleared up our parade ground and in the afternoon we went and got some little pines and sat them down in the ground in front of our tents. to keep the sun off. April 27th Sunday morning. and a very pleasant morning. it was very cool last night. there was a heavy frost. we had a mounted inspect[ion unclear] this morning at 8 oclock. and a short drill. we done very well for we had not drilld eny since we came from Washington. 4 weeks ago to day