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S Schools in Brooksville, Resolve for the promotion of 248, 252, 282 Resolve appropriating the proceeds of certain lands for the support of 284, 293 Learle Samuel, Resolve relating to the claim of 230 Seavey, David, Resolve granting a pension to 44, 86, 94, 122, 148, 191 Secretary Nathaniel S Littlefield, chosen 4 Declined 4 Timothy Jarvis Carter, chosen 4 acceptance 4 Secretary of State, Resolve G Greene, chosen 19 acceptance 71 Bill prescribing the duties of 284, 315 Communications from 156,196, 221, 310 Seminary, Maine Weslyan 142, 152, 255, 267, 273, 299 Parsonsfield 126, 132, 136, 173, 236, 253, 297, 301, 316 Westbrook 114, 195, 249, 277, 301 Senate, called to order 2 Pay Roll of 313 Senators qualified 2 in Congress from Maine, Resolve respecting 67, 80, 117 votes for laid before Senate to committed to Report 12 to Congress 73, 77, 90, 91 Sevey, Samuel, Resolve in favor of 239, 244, 250, 289 Shepley Ether, elected Senator to Congress 90, 91 Sheriffs Bill relative to the inspection of 224, 257 Skowhegan Bank, Bill to incorporate 268, 275, 315 Bridge, Bill to incorporate 132, 136, 211 Smith Abijah Resolve for the benefit of 189, 234 Francis O J chosen President 2 addresses 3, 321 Samuel E Governor qualified 11 Society, Freewill Baptist Foreign Mission 115, 123,135 Methodist in Winthrop 95, 105, 143, 148 Penobscot Agricultural 256, 289 Peucinian, of Bowdoin College 189, 194, 238 Unitarian at Calais 271, 299 Somerset Horticultural Society 149, 152, 167, 211 South Berwick, Bill to annex part of town of Clerk to 190, 242, 262 South Carolina, Resolves relating to 159, 179, 183, 184, 185, 186, 231