Accordingly the Governor, attended by the Council, Secretary of State, Adjutant General and Treasurer of State and preceded by a Deputy Sheriff of the County of Kennebec came in when the members elect took and subscribed the oaths of office required by the Constitution to qualify them to enter upon the discharge of their official duties. A Committee consisting if Messrs. Cilley of Thomaston, Bolster of Rumford, Dumont of Hallowell, Carpenter of Lee and Allen of Lubec was appointed to receive sort and count the votes for a Clerk - who attended to the duty assigned them and reported that the whole number of votes given in was one hundred and sixty five - necessary to a choice Eighty three - Asaph R. Nichols had one hundred and twenty two - Daniel Pike had forty one. Scattering two and Asaph R. Nichols was declared elected, who being present took and subscribed the path of office which was administered to him by George W. Morton Esq. a Justice of the Peace for the county of Kennebec as follows I, Asaph R. Nichols do solemnly swear that I will faithfully discharge to the best of my abilities the duty incumbent on me as Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Maine so help me God. The Clerk having been duly qualified presided during further organization of the House.