annexed marked A sent up for concurrence
Bill to establish the Kennebec Boom Corporation came again from the Senate referred to the next Legislature &c and the House nonconcur & adhere to their vote passing the Bill to be engrossed
Resolve in favor of Kennebunkport was read 1 & 2 time & passed to be engrossed sent up for concurrence
The House reconsider their vote passing to be engrossed
Resolve relating to Slavery &c and then indefinitely postpone the same and the question upon so postponing the same was taken by yeas & nays as follows yeas 68 nays 41 - sent up for concurrence
(for yeas & nays see page 485)
Report on Petition of Inhabitants of the town of Whiting granting an order of notice was read & accepted in concurrence with the Senate
Report on Petition of Selectmen of Plymouth granting leave to withdraw came from the Senate for concurrence - they having reconsidered their vote accepting the same & referred it to the Committee on Turnpikes Bridges & Canals and the House reconsidered their former vote & concurred with the Senate
Resolve making further provision for making the Baring & Houlton Road was read & referred to Messrs. Clifford of Newfield Scammon of Pittston, Hamlin of Columbia - Knowlton of Montville & Wyman of Lovell
Bill additional exempting certain goods & chattels from attachment execution & distress was read a 3d. time and passed to be engrossed as further amended in the Senate on sheet annexed marked B - in concurrence