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So prompt attention of officers and privates in the eighth Division has been generally manifested on former occasions, that the Major-General deems any arguments or persuasives from him on the subject of tactics, at present unnecessary to induce a punctual attention to every minutia which may be requisite for the several Regiments appearing to the best advantage on their respective parades.

By order of Major-General Dearborn, B. Gannett, Aid de camp.

Brigade Orders, 2. Brigade, 8. Division, Augusta, Aug. 11. 1800.

The militia of the 2. Brigade will be reviewed and inspected by Regiments in the course of the approaching autumn; they will be assembled for that purpose at eleven o'clock on each of the following days, viz.

The 3. Regiment, with Capt. Herrick's Cavalry, on the twenty-ninth of September next; the 1. Regiment, with the Cavalry & Artillery under the command of Captains Grant and Bowman, on the thirtieth of said September; the 2. Regiment, with Capt. Chase's Artillery, on the first day of October next; the 4. Regiment on the second of said October; and the 5. Regiment on the fourth of October aforesaid.