85 on Division and alteration of Counties in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.
Report on Petition of Nathan Stanley and others came from the Senate accepted for concurrence the Committee asking to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject and the House concurred - sent up.
Bill to incorporate the Trustees of Union Academy - was read a third time and passed to be engrossed and amended on on sheet annexed marked X sent up for concurrence.
Bill additional to an Act to incorporate the Portland Fire Mutual Insurance Company was read a third time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.
Resolve in favour of Elliot G. Vaughn was read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.
Resolve providing for the printing and distribution of Blank Returns of votes laid on the table by Mr. Jewett of Portland were read and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary - sent up for concurrence.
On motion of Mr. Merrow of Bowdoinham