309 The same committee report as duly Engrossed Resolve in favour of Moses True, authorizing a part of the Bank Tax to be distributed among certain Towns which have failed to make any annual returns to the Secretary of State which were severally finally passed - sent up for concurrence
And the House adjourned
Met according to adjournment Mr. Whiting of Pittsfield has leave of absence from and after Monday next during the remainder of the session. Resolve providing for the purchase of the two first volumes of the Laws of Maine was read a second time and indefinitely postponed and the question on so postponing was taken by Yeas and Nays and decided in the affirmative, Yeas 113 Nays 38 (see appendix page) sent up for concurrence.
Bill to provide for the employment and maintainment of the Poor was taken up and Tuesday next at ten o'clock assigned for a third reading.