standing Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals, Sent down for concurrence.
Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Island Wharf Petition of Selectmen of Eden and others, - of Abram Morrill and others, - of John Brackett and others, - of Selectmen of Cranberry Islands for the town of Ellsworth to be the shire town of Hancock County; - of the inhabitants of Cumberland, - of John Blunt and others, - of inhabitants of Fryburg Addition, - of inhabitants of No. 23, - of Robert H. Eastman and others, - of Jacob Skolfield and others, - of inhabitants of Corinna to be annexed to the County of Penobscot, were severally read and referred to the joint standing Committee on the incorporation of towns. Sent down for concurrence.
Petition of Massachusetts Society for promotion of Agriculture, " of Isaac Mason and others for an alteration of the law regulating the inspection of Beef and Pork were severally read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture. Sent down for concurrence.
Petition of Selectmen of Bethel that the management of the ministerial and School Funds in said town. may be placed under the control of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Town Clerk.
Petition of sundry persons in the Methodist Society in the town of Winthrop, praying that their