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[This document consists of eight miscellaneous memos jotted on the back of a printed flyer. Judging by the creases and soiling, it appears the sheet was folded in half four times, then carried around for a while, perhaps in a pocket. Each memo is on a different panel of the folded sheet, oriented in whatever direction was convenient for writing. Transcriptions follow, numbered Memo 1 through Memo 8 for ease of reference.]

[Memo 1 is simply a line of music. It consists of a hand-ruled 5-line staff, a G-clef symbol, and two measures written in the Baroque-era notation system known as "figured bass." In measure 1, the figures are 2-4-6 and notes are C5-D5-F5-A5. In measure 2, the figures are 2-4-6 and notes are A4-C5-D5-F5. In modern terms, the contents of this memo could be described as the first and third inversions of the F-major 6th chord.]

[Memo 2 is a list that has been crossed out with a large X. This memo is the only one written in pencil rather than ink.] Jane Elizabeth, born Dec. 1. 1819 Zilpha Ingraham, Aug. 13. 18?? Ann Ma???? [Martha?] Mar. 19. 18?5 [Below Memo 2 are two small loops from an ink pen, as if testing the pen to get the ink flowing.]

[Memo 3 is a list. Punctuation has been added for clarity.] William Pierce, Augusta Lucy Eaton, Augusta Oct. 25. [A horizontal line is drawn.] Partrick Wallace & Ruth Chase, Augusta Oct. 26.

[Memo 4 is a list.] Coffin + w. Hilton + w. Page [Something--possibly "+ wife"--was written after "Page," then scribbled out.] Wood + w. Hawes [or possibly Hawks] +w. Cushman Lowell +w.

[Above Memo 5 are two small loops from an ink pen, as if testing the pen to get the ink flowing.] [Memo 5 is a table.] Bal. 9.37 Myself. 10. Davis 5. Wadsw. 2.50 Hunt & al. [et alia] 22.57 [Horizontal line] 49.44 Cedar 68.70 Dutton 70. [Horizontal line] [Here, an incorrect sum was written, then partially written over, then crossed out. Below that, the correct total is written as follows:] 188.14

[Memo 6 is a bible verse.] Heb. 3.3.4. Christ Jesus--this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who builded the house, hath more honour than the house, for every house is built by some man, but he that built all things is God.

[Memo 7] Lincoln — 57-27-17-19 Senator [underlined]

[Memo 8] 8/26/3 24 [indented to align with the "26" above] [Horizontal line] 2 [indented to align with the "4" above]