Saturday March 3, 1832
Met according to adjournment
Messrs. Tukesbury of Oxford, Mowry of Lubec and Hinckley of Bluehill have leave of absence after this day during the remainder of the session.
On motion of Mr. Dummer, Ordered, that the House will dispense with the second reading of Bills in detail, unless such reading should be specially requested by some member.
Message from the Governor To the Senate and House of Representatives, I have received from the Governor of the State of Indiana the accompanying Resolutions of the General Assembly of that State relative to procuring the passage of a law by Congress for a more perfect organization of the Militia of the several states and also relative to the officers and soldiers of the Militia who have been borne arms in the war of the Revolution and are not entitled to pensions under any existing law. These resolutions are submitted to the Legislature agreeably to the request therein expressed. Council Chambers Samuel E. Smith March 1, 1832 Which was read and referred to the Committee on the Militia in concurrence with the Senate.
Report on the petition of Massachusetts Society for promotion of Agriculture, granting leave to withdraw was read and accepted in concurrence with the Senate.
Reports on an order of the House of Jany 28, and an order of Feby 4 that Legislation on those subjects is inexpedient were read and accepted in concurrence with the Senate.