284 Company - which were severally passed to be enacted - sent up for concurrence.
Report on Petition of Overseers of the Poor of the town of Hodgdon that the claim of the Petitioners not to be allowed was read and accepted - sent up for concurrence.
Resolve in favour of Peter Goulding ______ in favour of the town of Winslow were read a second time passed to be engrossed sent up for concurrence.
Resolve in favour of Alfred Marshall was read a second time and passed to be engrossed as amended on sheet annexed marked A -sent up for concurrence.
Communication from the Treasurer of State signifying his acceptance of that office came from the Senate for concurrence - referred with the accompanying Bond to Messrs. Cob and Kelsey with such as the House may join. The House concurred and joined Messrs. McCrate, Washburn and Merrow - sent up.
Bill requiring a Sluice to be constructed on the Meduxnekeag Stream was read a third time and passed to be engrossed as amended on sheet annexed marked A - sent up for concurrence.