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271 Tuesday March 6 1832 Met according to adjournment

The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as truly engrossed Bill to apportion and assess on the Inhabitants of this State a Tax of Fifty Thousand four hundred dollars and seven cents, and the same was passed to be enacted. Sent up

Petition of Joseph D Emery for services &c on the State House during the present Session, was read and referred to the Committee on Public Buildings, sent up for concurrence

Resolve in favor of Joseph D Emery, Jeremiah Berry Charles Williams and owners of Schorner Sidney, was read and referred to the Committee on Public Buildings, sent up for concurrence.

On motion of Mr Fessenden Ordered, that the Secretary of State be authorized to deliver to Leonard M Parker or Charles S Davis his Attorney, the original Deed and also the original account of sale of Lands of said Parker and the Petition to the Supreme Judicial Court and order thereon now on file in the Secretary's office retaining copies thereof. Sent up for concurrence.

Bill additional directing the method of laying out and making provision for the repair and amendment of highways and providing for the appointment of County Commissioners, was read a third time, amended and referred to the next Legislature, sent up for concurrence.

Mr Babage of Deer Isle has leave of absence after this day during the remainder of the Session.