On motion of Mr. Gibson, the vote ordering three hundred copies of the Report of the Inspectors of the State Prison was reconsidered -
A Communication was received from the Secretary of the board of Commissioners, appointed under the first section of the Act relating to the seperation of the District of Maine from Massachusetts, and forming the same into a seperate and independant State, which was read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on State Lands. Sent down for concurrence.
Resolve in favor of Samuel Call and John Wilkins " in favor of Elizabeth Littlefield, Bill to incorporate the Freewill Baptist Foreign Mission Society, were severally read once and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading.
Mr Webb from the Joint Standing Committee on Division of towns, reported Order of Notice on the petition of John Brown and others. Read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence.
Bill to establish the compensation of the County Commissioners of the County of Somersett. Read a second time and on motion of Mr. Drummond, referred to Messrs. Drummond, Bradbury Webb Keith, Warren, Scammon, Emerson, Knowlton, Burnham and Talbot, with such as the House may join. Sent down for concurrence with instructions to consider and report on the compensation allowed to County Commissioners in the several Counties,