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140. House of Representatives

Wednesday January 30. 1833.

Met according to adjournment.

Petition of inhabitants of Wellington, - of William H. Eastman & others for an alteration in the Militia Law was read & ordered to lie on the table.

A motion was made by Mr Jarvis of Ellsworth to reconsider the vote whereby the House passed an order in concurrence with the Senate, requesting the Governor to communicate to this House the Report of the Commissioners on the North Eastern Boundary - and Monday next at ten o'clock was assigned for a further consideration of the motion.

Resolve, proposing an amendment of the Constitution of the State - was read a second time and indefinitely postponed sent up for concurrence.

Bill - additional respecting the qualification of voters in town affairs - was read a second time, the amendment of the Senate adopted, and committed to a select committee of this House, consisting of Messrs Jewett of Portland, Lowell of East Machias and Crooker of Sangerville.

Resolve - in favor of the town of Bangor - was read a first time and recommitted - sent up for concurrence.

Resolve in favor of Elisha P. Barstow - came from the Senate recommitted to the Committee on Claims for concurrence - and the House concurred - sent up.