Messrs Gibson and Goodwin.
The petition of Jonathan Hyde and others for a Bank at Bath; " of Joshua Richardson and others for a Bank at Portland; " of Isaac Lane and others for a Bank in Hollis; " of George W. Lickering and others for a Bank in Bangor; " of Jacob Robinson and others for a Bank at Bath; " of John Brackett and others to be incorporated into a fire Insurance Company, were severally read and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Banks and Banking, in concurrence.
The petition of Luther Peirce and others for a law for the preservation of roads and bridges; " of Erastus Richardson and others for leave to erect a bridge across little river in the town of Perry; " of the Selectmen of Atkinson for leave to assess taxes for the support of roads and bridges; " of Ira Wadleigh and others to be incorporated into a Bridges Company; " of Benjamin Chadbourne and others to be incorporated into a Stage Company, were severally read, and referred to the Joint Standing Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges, and Canal, in concurrence.
The petition of Nathaniel Treat and others to have deficiencies of land made up