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South Fairfield, Apr. 11, 1839. Thursday 11th. All men employed on Block house, Mr. Bartlett returned from De Chute, he reported that, he arrived at De Chute on the 10th at noon where he hired seven horses & eight men whom he found engaged in the timber business, his object then was to bring them back with him to the Fort - a distance of about ten miles on the line, all of which he would have had to swamp this idea he did not entertain for a moment, his only chance then was to ascertain the least possible distance to Smiths camp on the Houlton Aroostook road & to swamp through to that, the two men he sent out for this returned and reported that with our small force it would be impossible,- He then proposed to the owners of the marshes [?] to let them remain in charge of a [?] man whom he found with them, provided they would give a bond to the Land agent for their delivery at Fort Grayfield [?] or to pay the value say 400$ which they readily assented to.- As one of our Prisoners had effected his escape from the two volunteers whom he sent to explore he was apprehensive of an attach or surprise before he could retreat beyond their reach,- In this he was not deceived. At half past five o'clock A. M., they arrived numbering twenty eight with fouling [?] pieces of muskets and demanded of him the horses & prisoners which of course he protested against but was not strong enough to prevent or rescue his 10 men being armed with but a horse pistol each -- The mob was headed by the commissary of the Chaftice [?] men in the Province of N.B. Friday 12th. All men employed as yesterday, since nearly clear of ice below pins [?] [?] Harvey & [?] gave a bond for delivery of horses & e and were allowed to go as by agreement with Mr. Bartlett.