209 Penobscot Mill Dam Company were severally committed to a Joint Select Committee consisting on the part of the Senate of Messrs. Bradbury, Farnham, and Kelsey with such as the Senate may join. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred & Messrs. Bridgham, Marshall, Alden, Tuttle and Merrill of Waterville are joined.
The Senate reconsider their vote of the 10th instant referring the petition of D. W. McMahon to the Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals and refer the same to the Joint Select Committee to which was committed the Bill to authorize the Penobscot Mill Dam Company to erect side Booms. Sent down for concurrence.
Bill to incorporate the town of Greenbush, reported by Mr. Cobb from the Committee on Incorporation of Towns on petition of inhabitants of Township No. 2 old Indian Purchase on the east side of Penobscot River was read once and ordered to lie on the table.
In Convention
Agreeably to assignment, the two Houses of the Legislature met in Convention in the Representatives Hall for the purpose of choosing a Treasurer of State. Messrs. Groton and Smith of the Senate & Messrs. Moore of Dover, Robinson of Hallowell and Arnold of Palermo, were appointed a Committee to receive, sort and count the votes, who, having attended the duties assigned them, reported that the whole number of votes given is 185.