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X item of expenditure since 1821, would seem to justify an apparition for this object.

  In closing this communication, permit me, gentlemen to congratulate you on the increased stability which the Union of the States has derived, during the past political year, from events which seemed for a time to threaten its integrity. The wisdom firmness and moderation with which they were controlled, by the vigilant and patriotic Chief Magistrate of our National Government without compromising the constitutional rights of the State, justly merit the gratitude and applause of the American people.
 Let us also, in the stations we respecting occupy, look to out written Constitutions as the sure guide of all our proceedings, and to the popular voice for all needful direction therein
 Confiding in the intelligence and patriotism of the people, let us not be unmindful that to them are we responsible for the just exercise of the powers entrusted to us. And while as the guardians of a highly favored community we act together for the public welfare, let us unitedly implore the Supreme Disposer of human events, that he will so control all our deliberations, as to preserve unimpaired our inestimable privilege's, and the principles of our representative government forever.

Robert P Dunlap Council Chamber Augusta Janu 2 1834