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177. hold a seat in this House was taken up - the Yeas and Nays ordered on the passage - and a further consideration thereof postponed until Wednesday next at ten o'clock.

Bill - relating to prosecutions for libel and to pleadings in actions for libels and slander - laid on the table by Mr Jewett of Portland, was read a first and second time - 300 copies thereof ordered to be printed - and Tuesday next at ten o'clock assigned for a third reading.

Resolve in favor of the Penobscot Tribe of Indians - laid on the table by Mr Bartlett of Orono - was read once and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading.

Report - on an Order relative to repealing so much of an Act establishing the duties to be paid by certain officers therein named - as relates to Sheriffs and Clerks of Courts - that Legislation on subject is inexpedient - came from the Senate accepted for concurrence - and the House concurred - sent up.

Report on Petition of Joseph Poland - granting leave to withdraw came from the Senate accepted for concurrence and the House concurred - sent up.

Report on an Order relative to repealing an Act passed March 17th. 1831. respecting corporations - also on an Order relative to authorizing towns to raise such sums of money to be expended in making and repairing public roads as they may think proper - that legislation on those subjects is inexpedient - came from the Senate accepted for concurrence - and the House concurred - sent up.

Petition of Jacob Clark and Levi Brown, that money paid