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The same Gentleman from the same Committee, made a Report, asking leave to be discharged from further consideration of the petition of John T. Smith and others, and recommending that the same be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary; which reports were severally read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence

A Communication from the Secretary of State relative to the expences of the State Prison. Read and referred to the Committee on State Prison. Read and referred to the Committee on State Prison, and two hundred and fifty copies ordered to be printed for the use of the Legislature. Sent down for concurrence.

Bill for the relief of John Wood, recommitted to the Committee on Turnpikes Bridges and Canals. Sent down for concurrence.

Mr Bradbury from the Select Committee to whom was committed a Bill for the regulation of Innholders, Retailers and Common Victualers, reported the same as amended, which on motion was laid on the table.

Bill additional to an Act to incorporate the City of Portland, came from the House; the House nonconcurring the Senate in committing the same to the Committee on the Judiciary, and adhering to their former vote, passing said Bill to be engrossed. Whereupon the Senate recede from the vote, whereby they committed the same, and the question on passing the same to be engrossed in concurrence with the House, being ordered to be taken by Yeas and Nays, was decided in the affirmative as follows,