16 Columbia, Bill to annex township No. 19 to 189.198.232. Committee, appointed to wait on Gov. & Council & inform them that a quorum of Senators are present and ready to be qualified 2. " to receive votes for President 2. report 2. " to receive votes for Secretary 3. report 3. " to draft rules and orders 4. report 3. " to receive votes for Messenger 4. " on Senatorial votes 4. report 16. " to inform Governor of his election 12. " to receive votes for Maj Gen 7th Division 208. " " "" 6. " 250. " by Legislature to view route for Turnpike 244.274. " Joint Special appointed " Select " See orders referred to Joint Select Committee Committees, Joint Standing appointed
vacancies in, filled 299. discharged 297.302.303.310.312.317.329.
Communication of Parker Cleaveland, Secretary of the Medical School of Maine 282.
of Secretary of State, relative to Banks 134.300.
Coney, Daniel & others, Resolve relative to the Bond signed by 356. Conferees appointed
reports of
Constitution, Resolve for amending, relative to the time of the annual sessions of the Legislature and the time of holding the annual State elections " Resolve proposing an amendment to 299.322.333. Convention of the two Houses, proposition for " " " Cornville, Resolve for the benefit of the town of 306.322 Costs, Bill regulating 39.77.