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Sunday 21 Pleasant weather through the day, [?] repairing the Boom and hanging it, off noon instructing, & letters were rec'd from the Land Agent Monday 22 Pleasant day completed hanging the boom, & repairing it men all employed on lock house & boom. 2 o'clock P. M. guard house caught fire communicated with the Camp Containing the Militia Stores, which with its contents including some boxes fixed ammunition was consumed, the powder being in the same building occasioned apprehensions for the safety of the men who were ordered in that account to keep clear for a short time, as soon as danger passed from that source, our men assisted by a [?] the Militia saved in damaged state about forty bbly [?], [?] which with five boxes of ammunition was all that was saved, - P.M. Timothy Brown discharged for cause Tuesday 23 Pleasant day men employed on block house Wednesday 24 Pleasant men employed as yesterday, discharged Cates [?], M. Donal, J. Neymouth, the frogs were heard to day for the first time this Season moschitos began to appear. The grass just starting out. Thursday 25 Pleasant men employed on Block & guard house Friday 26 Pleasant men employed as yesterday Saturday 27 Pleasant, men employed as yesterday Sunday 28 Pleasant day Fort Fairfield April 2, 1889 Sir In writing in haste the day before yesterday, I omitted to send you a return of the number of men we now have and the conditions of their enlistment which I now send to you as it may be of service. The number of men enlisted up to the time of Col. [?] departure was seventy-six. Since which time eight more have been enlisted with the following provision inserted in the enlistment. Should you think their services not wanted at this time they will be discharged as soon as notice is sent me to that effect. We have discharged within the time mentioned those making our present force eighty-one men. There are about Six or Eight more I should discharge if I had funds to pay their way out, so that our whole force may be estimated at seventy-five at this time. Your instructions regarding Mr. Harvey and another were anticipated, I released them after they had given a bond for their horses in the sum of four hundred dollars, which was the valuation put upon them by our men which bond we have here. The block house at the boom will be ready or Quite completed this week and the other over the hill has the foundation laid, cellar dug and the timber nearly all prepared where I think we can have our provisions safely stored. The loss by fire of the Militia Store, I think will be a little over the amt. mentioned in my last to you, possibly $3500 [?]. We had receipted for no part of it except six cases of powder 5 of which were saved, our work for the boom (a memorandum of which I gave to Mr. Strickland [?]) have never come to hand [?] we feel the want of them very much. As we have but very little, and that has been much worn by use in building the puzzle [?]. If that memorandum could be sent us it may save much timber. Givision [?] one of the notices at Fitzhubert, has been [?] here and some others as I have no power to accost them, I have not done so, if you think best to do so, if you will send me instructions, I will send them through to Bangor. Your Obg. Serv. William P. Parrott