State of Maine House of Representatives January 7th 1835.
This being the day appointed by the Constitution of the State of Maine for the meeting of the Legislature of said State, the following members of the House of Representatives appeared, presented their credentials, and took their seats, viz. from the County of York.
Cotton Bradbury Saco Solomon Brooks York Robert Cousins Lyman Joseph Dam Newfield Ezra Dean Biddeford Roger Deering Jr Kittery Charles S. Goodwin South Berwick John Gower Shapleigh William Hammond Elliot Hanry Hobbs Waterboro' William Hobson Hollis John Holmes Alfred Aaron Hubbard Acton Augustas Johnson Cornish James Lord Kennebunk Samual Mildram Wells John A Morrill Limerick John G Perkins Kennebunk Port John Powers Sandford Aaron Ricker Lebanon Henry Small Limington (over)