and recommit the same, in concurrence.
Bill additional giving remedies on judgments rendered by Courts of County Commissioners and prescribing the mode of leveying executions against towns and plantations, (in new draft,)
Bill additional to an act to incorporate the Hallowel Hotel " to incorporate the Waldo Mills Company, " additional regulating the Selection, empaneling and service of Jurors. Resolve for ascertaining the number and the expenses of supporting the poor throughout the State, " relating to the first Cumberland Turnpike Corporation, " requiring the distribution of the law providing for the instruction of Youth among the several towns, plantations and Cities in this State, " authorizing a Loan in behalf the State, " requiring the "Secretary of State to procure and distribute blanks to fish Inspectors, " providing for the use of Broad Rimmed Wheels in certain towns in the County of Penobscot (as amended) severally read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.