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44 On Banks & Banking Petition of William D. Williamson for a Bank at Bangor - of James Thomas & others for a Bank at Bangor

On Incorporation of Towns Petition of John Agry & others to incorporate that part of Hallowell on the west side of Kennebec River into a town by name of Hallowell Port. - of Eben Sawyer & als of township No.8 in 9th Range to be incorp by name of Elliotville - of Nathan Preston Jr that No. 14 in Wash. County may be made into a town - of Moses Goodwin & others to be incorporated by the name of Mariaville - of Samuel Andrews & others to be incorporated into a town.

On State Lands Petition of Massachusetts Agricultural Society for a grant of land

On Public Buildings Report on Resolve for the removal of the seat of Government

On State Roads Petition of P. Soule & others for a State Road through Somerset County

On Parishes Petition of the first Universalist Society in Fryeburg to repeal their act of incorporation

On so much of Governor's Message as relates to Pauperism Bill to provide for the employment & maintenance of the Poor

On Interior Fisheries Petition of John Baker & others for the removal of obstructions in Crooked River Bill additional to an Act to regulate the taking of Fish in Sebasticook River in the town of Clinton

On Claims Petition of Samuel Moulton for allowance on payments for land - of Hall Clements for an allowance on account of injury from not being paid promptly for making Canada Road - of Thomas C. Jones for service to the State as Deputy Shff. - of John Bent to be paid for publishing laws in Northern Light Resolve relative to the Bond to the State signed by Daniel Cony and others

On Division of Towns Petition of Benj Holbrook & others of Starks to be annexed to Mercer - of Henry Dodge & others of Montville to be annexed to Freedom of