Order from the House, appointing Messrs. Jewett Barnard and True of Palermo, a Committee with such as the Senate may join, to enquire what sum is due to the Agent for building a Magazine at Portland, conformably to a Resolve of the Legislature, passed March 3d 1832, with leave to report by Bill or otherwise. Read and passed in concurrence, and Messrs Webb and Gibson joined.
The Committee on Engrossed Bills, reported as correctly engrossed: Bill to incorporate the town of Milford " to incorporate the Winthrop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Bill ceding to the United States, jurisdiction of a lot of land. Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Hallowell Hotel. Bill additional to an Act defining the duties and powers of Justices of the peace, respecting actions of Replevin. Bill to incorporate the Pembroke Iron Works Company. Bill to prevent the obstruction of Ferries. Bill further to provide for the education of Youth. Bill additional to an Act to establish the Court of Common Pleas. Bill giving remedies on Judgments rendered by Courts of County Commissioners, and prescribing the mode of levying Executions against towns and plantations. Bill to prevent the destruction of Fish