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258. Bill - to incorporate the Washington County Mutual Fire Insurance Company - - to incorporate the Penobscot Agricultural Society - - to incorporate the Washington County Bank - were severally read a first and second time and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a third reading.

Resolve - relative to the Public Laws - was read once and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a second reading.

Resolve in favor of the Parsonsfield Seminary - was read once and ordered to lie on the table.

Report - on Petition of Benjamin Nickerson and others - granting an Order of Notice - came from the Senate accepted for concurrence and the House concurred - sent up.

Report on Petition of Albert G. Brown and others - - on a Bill relating to Red Oaks Hogshead Shooks - referring each to the next Legislature - came from the Senate for concurrence, and the House concurred - sent up.

Report - on a Bill to incorporate the town of Lexington referring the same to the next Legislature, came from the Senate accepted for concurrence - and the House nonconcur the Senate in their reference and order the same to be recommitted - sent up for concurrence.

And the House adjourned.


Asaph R. Nichols Clerk.