referring the same to the next Legislature, was read & accepted in concurrence with the Senate.
Bill - An Act incorporating a company for the purpose of making a Turnpike road in the town of Calais, came from the Senate that body adhering to their vote indefinitely postponing the Bill - The House adhere to their vote passing the same to be engrossed.
Resolve entitled Additional Resolves respecting the North Eastern Boundary, was read once & tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a second reading.
Bill - An additional act regulating Elections came from the Senate that body adhering to their vote passing the Bill to be engrossed - The House adhere to their vote of 19th inst.
Bill - an act to establish the Salaries of Clerks of Courts and giving further remedies on Clerks Bonds, was read once and passage refused in concurrence.
A message was received from the Governor transmitting the Report of Sewall Prescott Esquire, Agent appointed under the Resolve of March 3d 1832 for completing and repairing the Canada Road" [See appendix page 355] The same was referred in Senate to Messrs Latham, Prescott & Mantor with such as the House may join - and the House concurred and Messrs Steward of Anson, Perkins of Kennebunk Port, Call of Bangor, Underwood of Fayette & Dillingham of Turner.
Resolve for establishing a Board of Internal