Members -- 3 appointed by the Governor with advice of the Council.
Legislative History: [underlined]
R. 1835, c. 59. R. 1836, c. 67.
34.12 -- Agent to Superintend the Erection of an Insane Hospital. [underlined] Created by R. 1836, c. 30.
Duties -- make contracts for materials and superintend the erection in Augusta of a hospital and other buildings sui-table for the accommodation of a superintendent and 100 luna-tic persons furiously mad.
Additional information -- appointed by Governor with advice of the Council.
Legislative History: [underlined]
R. 1836, c. 30. R. 1841, c. 116.
34.13 -- Agents to Inventory the State Prison. [underlined] Created by R. 1836, c. 82.
Duties -- inventory all the property at the State Prison be-longing to the State and deposit the estimated value there-of in the Secretary of State's office.
Members -- 3 discreet persons appointed by the Governor with advice and consent of the Council.
Legislative History: [underlined]
R. 1836, c. 82.
34.14 -- Agents to Assess Reconstruction of the State Prison. [underlined] Creat-ed by R. 1838, c. 47.
Duties -- visit the State Prison during the recess of the Legis-lature to examine the premises and make an estimate of the ex-penses of reconstruction the State Prison according to the mo-del exhibited to the Legislative Committee on the State Pri-son at the present session of the Legislature by the State Pri-son Warden.
Additional information -- appointed by Governor with advice and consent of the Council.
Legislative History: [underlined]